

Rejection Of The Second Gatwick Runway Welcomed By Mps
27 - Jan - 2015

Rejection of the second Gatwick runway welcomed by MPs

The county council’s vote that rejected the proposal for a second runway at Gatwick has been welcomed by two Sussex MPs. Arundel and South Downs MP Herbert Nick and Sir Nicholas Soames, Mid Sussex MP, explained to the West Sussex county councillors that it was a serious mistake to support the draft proposal.

The Mid Sussex MP asserted that the location is not the right place to establish the second runway since it has potential negative impacts to the environment as well as infrastructure. In his letter, he said that they are behind Heathrow proposals with regard to the economy of the nation and there is insufficient labour force to manage the new business. He added that several extra homes were required around even when the planning authorities are under pressure to meet the current housing demand.

Mr. Nick also said that there is very little understanding of the environmental impacts likely to occur as a result of 250,000 more flights. He believes that the establishment of a second runway will add to the already acute development pressures in West Sussex. In his opinion, the residents should be made to fully understand the plans as they require controversial housing development and are subject to be revised, should the second runway proposal be accepted.

He does not believe that more housing can be allocated in West Sussex than the already planned. This, in his view, is a risk to the rural character and will eventually demand public attention. Nick spoke after the Monday’s vote saying the previous position of the county council was not justified and did not match the concerns of the local communities.

“Noise from aircraft has been a major environmental issue and the expansion will mean more problems”, he said.

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